PGA European Tour Professional
Andy Beal is a fantastic golfer. He has also overcome an incredible obstacle of whilst being on Tour being diagnosed with cancer and he had to have his eye removed. In 1998, his best year on Tour, Andy earned over 100,000 Euro and finished 3rd at the Benson & Hedges Open.
The fact that he returned back to the European Tour to compete again is nothing short of miraculous and is really the measure of the man who displays an inner strength and determination to make the best of what he has.

“Bealy” spoke to me in the Spa at the Sheraton when we were alone about his cancer and he was so positive that he was going to try and play again. He went off to the US to work with Craig Farnsworth in America. Craig is a brilliant specialist not only with putting but like Phil Kenyon in Europe his understanding of visual and perception in second to none. A special golf ball was designed for Andy to play with which had red hexagons on (after his beloved Southampton FC) and watching and working with him really enhanced my own understanding of pace and perception too.
I learned a lot working with Andy Beal. He told me what it was like playing with Ernie Els and Bernhard Langer and the thoughts and knowledge he passed onto me was invaluable. A lot about golf, a lot about life and more importantly that people are really capable of overcoming mountains if they have the right attitude. Andy Beal, a great Professional, but a real class act too.
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